The Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) welcomes today's decision by the EU General Affairs Council to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina the status of an EU candidate country.
As a strong supporter of the European integration of the Western Balkans, we are pleased that the 27 EU member states have reached an agreement on this.
The EU enlargement process had stalled for a long time. Promises made to the people of the Western Balkans, such as visa liberalization for Kosovo, have not been kept. Incomprehensible blockades, such as against North Macedonia - and Albania as a result - have cost a lot of trust.
The war against Ukraine has reignited the debate about the geopolitical activity of a common Europe and re-launched the process of enlargement in the Western Balkans.
It is in the greatest European interest to deal intensively and honestly with the Western Balkans, to implement reforms and to integrate the region into a united Europe. Non-European players are just waiting to exploit a weakness in Europe and fill any political vacuum. But what happens in Europe must also be shaped by Europe.
We congratulate the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina on today's decision and call on all political decision-makers in the region to be aware of their responsibility to implement reforms and resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully politically.
Franz Schausberger
Chair Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE)
Picture: European Commission
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