Blog Post

20th Salzburg Europe Summit

Juli 22, 2024

20th Salzburg Europe Summit - EU: No future without reforms

The IRE is pleased to invite you to the 20th anniversary of the international Salzburg Europe Summit this year.

The European Congress with over 60 speakers from all over Europe will take place from October 20th to 22nd, 2024 in the Salzburg Congress under the motto “EU: No future without reforms”.

Salzburg. The European Congress with around 700 guests and over 60 speakers from all over Europe will take place this year for the 20th time under the motto “EU: No future without reforms” from October 20th to 22nd, 2024 in the Salzburg Congress.

 Over 60 experts from politics, diplomacy, business and science will discuss relevant topics such as 

  • “EU: No future without reforms”
  • “EU Enlargement: A geopolitical necessity”
  • “How does the EU remain competitive?”
  • “The EU on the way to the Energy Union?”
  • “Illegal migration to Europe: An insoluble issue?”
  • “How do we revitalize the empty town centers?”

The speakers confirmed so far include (in alphabetical order):

Gabriele Abels, Professor of European Law at the University of Tübingen, Arnoldas Abramavicius, Deputy Minister of the Interior (Lithuania), Michael Baminger, CEO Salzburg AG, Karoline Edtstadler, Minister for the EU and Constitution (Austria), Heinz Freunschlag, Board Member of the ÖBB Passenger Railway AG, Tobias Gotthardt, State Secretary for Economic Affairs (Bavaria), Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Budget, Wilfried Haslauer, Governor of Salzburg, Guna Japina, Ambassador of Latvia, Tefta Kelmendi, European Council on Foreign Relations, Martin Kocher, Federal Minister for Labor and Economic Affairs (Austria), Andreas Klauser, CEO of PALFINGER AG, Dace Melbarde, State Secretary in Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Latvia), Martin Oberndorfer, City Councilor for Economic Affairs of the City of Wels, Robert Olma, Vice-President Regulatory Affairs STIHL AG, Stefan Schnöll, Deputy Governor of Salzburg, Michael Spindelegger, General Director of ICMPD, Johann Strobl, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International, Michael Strugl, CEO VERBUND AG, Kurt Weinberger, General Director of Hagelversicherungs AG, Pavlina Zakova, Deputy Minister for Europe (Czech Republic), and many more.

You can find the
regularly updated program with all speakers >>> here

The series of art exhibitions under the motto “European Regional Culture”, which was successfully launched last year and where artists from Europe present their works, will be continued this year. This year we are presenting Ms. Iveta Vecenane, an artist from Latvia.
exhibition opens on Sunday, October 20th at 11:00 in the Salzburg Congress by Dace Melbārde, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Deputy Governor Stefan Schnöll and Latvian Ambassador Guna Japina.
Furthermore, a
ceremony to mark the anniversary of “20 years of the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE)” will take place on Sunday, October 20th at 5:00 p.m. in the Salzburg Residence.

The celebration will be followed on
Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. by the festive reception of the state and the city of Salzburg in the Carabinieri Hall of the Salzburg Residence.
The regularly updated program can be found at:

online registration via Eventbrite

Other ways to register 
>>> here

The team at the Institute of European Regions (IRE) looks forward to your participation!

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